How to Grow
If you are interested in purchasing and cultivating your own psilocybin spores, you’ll want to first check to see that doing one or the other is legal in your state. The next step is understanding what’s involved. Sterility is of vital importance when growing any type of mushroom as bacteria or mold can contaminate the spores or prevent them from growing in the first place. You’ll also need a bunch of equipment like large plastic containers, canning jars, a pressure cooker or canner, brown rice flour or vermiculite, and other basic kitchen items. There are several sites that can walk you through the cultivation process.

Growing ‘shrooms takes a little patience, here too. Depending on the species, fruiting bodies will appear as tiny white bumps from the mycelium before sprouting into little pins. After about 5-12 days, they’ll be ready to harvest. You’ll want to cut them just before the veil breaks—before they reach full growth—because they lose potency as they mature.

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